Wednesday, 10 October 2007

Meet Us

We would like to say a huge “Hello” to all those who are visiting our website and blog.

Although we re-launched our website in January, it has been a busy year both family and business wise that we are only now managing to get our blog off the ground.

Those of you who were at our weddings last year will know that we were expecting our second child and Matthew Tim was born in September 2006. With a 2 year old, a newborn and a business you can imagine how hectic things were! Even so, Tim single handedly rebuilt and re-launched our website and successfully converted our garage to become our office and client viewing room so by May we were up and running and ready for the new season.

And what a season it has been! We’ve had a fabulous and fun time shooting at great venues with wonderful couples and we have had the pleasure of working alongside some great people this year too.

We’ll start our blog by showing you a sneak preview of us at work and then over the next few weeks we shall be posting some pictures of our weddings this year to bring you up to speed with what we've been doing.

We'd also like to thank those of you around us who have given us your support this year and whom without we would not have been able to be as successful as we have been. In Particular, Daddy & Mummy P, Grandma, Jason & Helen, Richard & Sarah Harris of Capture IT, Heston Photographics, Pat & Nick and the team at SWCL & SWPM and last but not least our couples.

So sit back and enjoy and we'd love to hear your comments on the pictures you will see.

Sarah & Tim Parsons.

Here's Tim with Mick & Catherine at The Elvetham, Hartley Wintney, Surrey in August this year.
Thanks to digital we are able to show our couples the back of the camera so they can have a sneak preview of what's to come on their disk. As you can see he carries two cameras on him at all times and yes, he is a Canon Man through and through.

Here's me with Mick on the same day.

Mick was an absolute scream and we had no end of fun on this shoot.

This was again the same day and I caught this shot of everyone walking back up the avenue after we'd taken their personal pictures. The Toastmaster is Eric Gill as recommended on our website and by The Elvetham. The Elvetham is the only venue we know that has a waitress to carry your drinks for you all day too.

Quite often our couples request a fun shot and Jodie and Richard asked for this shot of them and their bridal party at Penny Hill Park, Bagshot, Surrey in July this year.

One of the things we find helps our brides is my experience to help them into their dresses when there is a lot of lacing or buttons. I think I helped dress pretty much most of them this year and it works well because Tim still gets the shots whilst I calm nerves and save on time if things are starting to run late. You can just about see me behind Gemma in this shot.

When you are shooting natural photography there is always the opportunity of a picture, so it's not often we take a break until the wedding breakfast. However, when the videographer Leo Ferenc of Perfect Day Studios asked for this scenario at Gemma & Stuart's wedding at Great Fosters, Egham, Surrey in September I just couldn't resist! Thanks too to the Bestman for the drink by the way!

So these are but a few of the venues we've worked at but hopefully this has given you a taster for who we are and how we work and has warmed your appetite ready for the pictures of the actual weddings over the weeks to come.


Sarah & Tim


Anonymous said...

So Im first like the blog think its great idea and it comes over well
Daddy P

Anonymous said...

Tim & Sarah,

You are both truely gifted photographers. Your work is beautiful and I have thoroughly enjoyed looking at your photos. I know how hard you both work and the end results are breathtaking!

Looking forward to seeing many more beautiful photographs.


Bello Photography said...

Hi Tim and Sarah,

Thanks for your kind words on our blog. Small world eh? Sam is such lovely person and a good networker.

Nice job on the new blog and web site. I think you are going to really enjoy the blogging experience. We do!

Andy & Christine